'.$setting[desc][$_GET[lang]].' '.$setting[qty][$_GET[lang]].' '.$setting[unit_price][$_GET[lang]].' '.$setting[dis][$_GET[lang]].' '.$setting[total][$_GET[lang]].' ';*/ $query = " SELECT MAX(row) FROM `bill_detail` WHERE bill_number = '$number' AND (item <> '' OR description <> '' OR qty >0 OR unit_price >0)"; $rows= mysql_query($query) ; $temp = mysql_fetch_row($rows); $max_row = $temp[0]; $query = " SELECT description , qty ,units, unit_price ,dis , item ,row FROM `bill_detail` WHERE bill_number = '$number' ORDER By row"; $rows= mysql_query($query) ;//echo $query; $page =1; while($temp = mysql_fetch_row($rows)) { $i++; if($temp[4] > 0 ){$temp[total] = $temp[1] * $temp[3] *($temp[4] /100) ;$temp[4] .= '%';} else{$temp[total] = $temp[1] * $temp[3];} $sum += $temp[total]; if($temp[3] == 0 ){$temp[3] ='';}else{$temp[3] = '$ '.number_format($temp[3], 1);} if($temp[1] == 0 ){$temp[1] ='';} if($temp[total] == 0 ){$temp[total] ='';}else{$temp[total] = '$ '.number_format($temp[total], 1);} $row[$page] .= '
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